Saturday, July 30, 2011

History Detectives

Mr. Y and I like to watch the History Detectives on PBS.  What fascinates me most about the show, other than the whole mystery-solving aspect of it, is the experts that they find.  Some of them are experts in super-obscure or super-specific fields, like photography during the Spanish Civil War, WWII airplane drones, satellite fabrics, or antique optics.  How do people get to become experts in these types of subjects, and why were they interested in them in the first place?

I also wonder how long it takes them to actually solve the mysteries.  Clearly they taped it after the mysteries have been solved, but it would be nice to find out how they actually did some of these investigations.

My favorite investigator is Gwendolyn Wright.  She's an architectural historian and is a professor at Columbia.  I love how she carries a measuring tape around, and she has such a soothing style of speaking.  I think I would've liked to have her as a professor.

Friday, July 29, 2011


It is time for my first (of many) entertainment confessions.  I love the movie The Prince and Me.  Mr. Y is fully aware of this love and has made fun of me every time I watch it.  I must have seen this movie about 25 times, both on DVD and on TV.  If I see it on TV, I have to stop and watch it.

I am fully aware that by most standards, this movie would be considered cheesy and mediocre, even bad.  However, I feel like I can suspend disbelief while watching this movie.  The chemistry between Julia Stiles and Luke Mably was believable, and the rest of the cast was really good.  Plus the movie came out about a month before the wedding of the real Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark to Australian Mary Donaldson, so it adds a ring of authenticity to the romance.  Even the ending makes me happy - I'd like to believe that Paige can be a doctor and date the King of Denmark at the same time.

I tried watching the sequel, but it was so bad that I couldn't even finish it.  So I choose not to acknowledge that there are actually two sequels to this movie, and stick to the original. As an aside, this is how Mr. Y feels about the sequels to Highlander.  :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Favorite TV Show

One of my favorite TV shows of all time, and also Mr. Y's, is Lost.  I still miss it, even though it has been a couple of years since it went off the air.  I was so excited when I saw news on Lost from the most recent Comic Con.  If you haven't seen the "deleted" scene Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse showed at Comic Con, check it out below:

I'm one of those Lost fans who loved the characters and did not care so much if the mysteries were not fully answered.  I am also a sap and loves happy endings, so the Lost finale was fulfilling for me.  The idea of all of them being together in the beyond feels right.

Lost is also the first time I heard about the continuation person - the one in charge of making sure the right things are "continued" between scenes and episodes, like props, costumes, etc.  I'm sure I'm grossly oversimplifying the job, but I think it would be fun to do this job, especially on a show like Lost.  I realize this is a weird job to covet, but if you know me, you know I'm freakishly organized.  Being a continuation person would mean I get to be totally bossy and organized about the little things - totally right up my alley.   Of course a person who's actually doing this job would probably laugh at me if I told him or her that I think this job is fun.

First Post

In case you can't tell from the oh-so-original title, this is my first post on my first blog.  A big shout-out to kdipity for helping me design the blog and for doing the logo for me.

My husband, Mr. Y, encouraged me to start this blog because I have all kinds of random knowledge and musings on entertainment and celebrities.  Plus I think he's getting tired of being my only sounding board.  :)

As an example of the type of random musing that I get into, we were watching the preview of Selling L.A. on HGTV the other day, and one of the featured realtors was a woman named Marisa Zanuck. I wondered out loud if she was related to the famous Hollywood producer Darryl F. Zanuck.  After a little bit of Googling, it turns out that she's married to Darryl F. Zanuck's grandson, Dean Zanuck, who's also a movie producer.  Mr. Y just looked at me and said, "Your talents are wasted."

I agreed.

So let's start this new adventure.